Archive for month: August, 2014



Doctor Dane Manning has disappeared from moon base 34c – disjointed fragments of two reports are all that remain. Science fiction short story by Hugh Armitage

The particular substance from which it is made is something of a mystery. As I had noticed before retiring, the flat surface refracts the light in strange ways. Looking into it, I see not the reflection of my own face, but half-illuminated shapes and whorls that shift in unpredictable directions as the perspective changes.

The New Messiah in 1950s Science Fiction

The New Era in Sci-Fi.

In the 1950s, the post-war American empire changed the politics of the world. It took a science-fiction novel, Gore Vidal’s Messiah, to see how that change was not necessarily for the good.

“Vidal’s progress toward writing a sci-fi story about America in the grip of post-war hysteria started with the publication of his novel The City and the Pillar in 1948. Through its tale of a young man struggling with his homosexuality, Vidal inadvertently entered the realm of speculative fiction.”

The Sisterhood of Karn

Gay Doctor Who.

The Sisterhood of Karn is a London-based group for gay fans of Doctor Who. Daniel Milford-Cottam writes about its twenty year history and enduring allure.

“Knowing that somewhere, gay fans of our beloved programme were regularly meeting in a pub, and had a name for their gathering, somehow made our digital community feel a little more special. “

Jane Badler Sings

Diana Reborn.

Jane Badler is a legend in the history of television sci-fi. Nick Smith talked to her about her iconic role in V, and the release of her debut solo album.

“Well without a doubt V was the most popular thing I did, as far as viewers go. Science fiction is a genre that people just never forget. Once they love you, they love you forever. The fans are wonderful and very loyal. Either that or I’m the first crush!”

The Future, as Seen By Barbarella

10,000 Years of the 1960s.

In 1968, Barbarella saw into a future in which the counter-culture ruled. Paul Baker looks at the outfits, the camp computers, and the glamour.

“Barbarella travels through the Universe in a fur-lined space-ship with only her camp computer to keep her company (either voiced by Kenneth Williams or a KW-impersonator). There is a plot, but it’s not really essential to enjoying the film.”

Testimonies: X-Men

X Possibilities

Two testimonies by gay men who grew up reading the X-Men give a taste of the breadth of resonances that the mutants of X-Men have had in real gay lives.

“Their very personal identifications with characters, one male and one very gender-fluid, give just a taste of the breadth of resonances that the mutants of X-Men have had in real gay lives.”

Queer X: The Queer History of the X-Men

Subversive Mutants.

Does science fiction have the power to infiltrate the mass consciousness with socially progressive ideas that can ultimately change a person’s worldview?

“The allegorical power of the series over the decades has probably done more to shape contemporary culture than placing a range of rather token gay characters ever could, and this alone should justify X-Men’s place within queer history.”

Doctor Who: Take a Deep Breath

The Lord of Time.

A new Doctor inevitably causes concern for every committed Whoovian. Jim Sangster takes a deep breath … which is followed by a sigh of relief.

“He’s passionate, curious yet still possesses that youthful innocence. It feels like we have a Doctor who knows the entire history of the show and that we’re in safe hands. It’s a good feeling.”

Lives No Longer Hidden: An Interview with Carol Steele

Revealing the Gender Spectrum.

Pioneering activist Carol Steele talks about the questions that face people who are transgender, and the obstacles that trans people have yet to overcome.

“Transgender people can be straight, lesbian, gay or bi in much the same way that cis-gender people can be straight, lesbian, gay or bi – but we do have one thing in common with all cis-LGB, we have all suffered from persecution.”

Discovering Big Joy: The Spiritual Legacy of James Broughton

Find Your Weird.

James Broughton was a pioneer of experimental film as well as poetry. The wonderful documentary Big Joy celebrates the legacy of this true revolutionary.

“Like Armistead Maupin says in the film, Broughton knew how to get to the serious through the silly. I think that’s an amazing talent that only an idealist can have.”

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