Clementine meets Miss Hope Springs
Je m’appelle Hope
Royal Vauxhall Tavern • Vauxhall, London
17 August – 18 August 2011
Dear Fans,
The subject of my latest film is a truly talented creature, the one and only Miss Hope Springs.
Miss Springs is HUGE in the states (she’s no lightweight over here!) and her classic Las Vegas lounge act manages to combine wit, style and musical genius in one bubbly cocktail.
To sample one of her tracks – ‘Instant Classics’ penned by her ‘associate’, the brilliantly gifted Ty Jeffries, son of the late actor Lionel Jeffries (that guy from Chitty Chitty Gang Bang) – watch my film!
Miss Springs is one busy gal and she has lots of appearances coming up soon, the most imminent will be her one (Wo)man show “Je m’appelle Hope'” at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern Hot August Fringe in London, on the 17th and 18th August at 7pm. Tkts £7.00
Sparkly love,