Little Bastard • Writer
Little Bastard has been writing for Polari Magazine since 2011. As part of a youth mostly misspent poring over the pages of Smash Hits and Look-In magazine, the desire to become a music journalist began quite early in Little Bastard’s life. Growing up in leafy Oxfordshire, he wrote actively throughout childhood, mostly love poetry dedicated first to girls and then, as time went on, to the unrequited love of boys.
Winning a poetry competition in year 11 (although he’s not sure anyone else entered) with an angst ridden poem called ‘Dazed And Confused’, the first two lines of which were about masturbation, his work was controversial even then, penning a juke box b-musical with cross dressing monster, a book of what can only be described as teen homoerotica, and a play about the perfect love ruined by homophobic violence. Ditching writing for the world of theatre, he trained as a dancer, gaining a ballet teaching qualification and a vocational diploma in musical theatre.
Through the years, the cattle calls, the pantomimes with Z List celebrities (ruining his childhood image again and again), the international theme parks destroying the “magic” forever, dancing was not all it had been in his dreams. Finding he was happier in a mosh-pit than a West End chorus line, he left the sporadic safety of his trade and immersed himself in the world of grotty clubs and live music, making noisy electronica by day and tearing up the dance floor in dingy London hotspots by night.
It was there that Little Bastard was born – and the words of his namesake pumped through his veins like a heartbeat.