Tag Archive for: doctor who

The Sisterhood of Karn

Gay Doctor Who.

The Sisterhood of Karn is a London-based group for gay fans of Doctor Who. Daniel Milford-Cottam writes about its twenty year history and enduring allure.

“Knowing that somewhere, gay fans of our beloved programme were regularly meeting in a pub, and had a name for their gathering, somehow made our digital community feel a little more special. “

Doctor Who: Take a Deep Breath

The Lord of Time.

A new Doctor inevitably causes concern for every committed Whoovian. Jim Sangster takes a deep breath … which is followed by a sigh of relief.

“He’s passionate, curious yet still possesses that youthful innocence. It feels like we have a Doctor who knows the entire history of the show and that we’re in safe hands. It’s a good feeling.”

American Psycho: A New Musical Thriller

160 min • Almeida Theatre, London • December 3, 2013 – February 1, 2014

Matt Smith plays Patrick Bateman in the dark musical thriller American Psycho. Gruesome, with an eclectic lo-fi ’80s score.

“Patrick Bateman is essentially the ’80s American Dream. He has the perfect body, the perfect hair, the perfect designer suit, and the perfect high-paid job. He is also Matt Smith”

Think Tank

July 24, 2013

The Daleks are told that that it’s back to gun metal grey, and none of their camp stuff. Polari Safari cartoon by David Shenton.

Ten Years of Queers

On the world of gay television after Queer as Folk

QaF changed how television dealt with homosexuality, and it also led to the Dr Who revival.

Queer as Folk first aired on 23 February 1999. There were reactions from the tabloids, from Conservative MPs and most surprisingly from Becks Beer, who withdrew their sponsorship.

Timeline of 2009 LGBT Anniversaries 4

Timeline of 2009 LGBT Anniversaries, Part 4 of 4

From 1989 – 2004.

In the forty years since the Stonewall riots, and the emergence of the gay liberation movement, a process of historical archaeology has been underway. Its aim has been to make the hidden past visible. This timeline of anniversaries is a look into what we now know of this hidden past, and also the revealed present.

1994, Age of consent for gay men reduced in the UK from 21 to 18.

The Promise of Science-Fiction

Dr Who author David Llewllyn is the guest columnist this month.

David Llewllyn writes about science-fiction, and how it addresses the subject of sexuality.

It’s curious that while non-genre television still tip-toes around the subject of sexuality, sci-fi and fantasy programmes, from Buffy to Torchwood, have tackled it with aplomb. Perhaps this is the Trojan Horse principle in action, and audiences are more willing to accept gay and lesbian characters if they are surrounded by aliens and vampires.

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