Tag Archive for: queer as folk

Looking: Season One

Cert: 15 • US: 8 x 30 min • HBO • January 19, 2014

Whilst Looking is not perfect, it admirably holds up a refreshingly astute and sometimes critical mirror to contemporary gay life.

“Finally, queer filmmakers seem comfortable balancing explicit representations of sex with (or against) the fuzzier feelings, without sacrificing emotional complexity or social commentary.”

LGBT History Month Heroes – Day 22

Queer as Folk, by David Robson.

To celebrate LGBT History Month, 2013, Polari is publishing a daily series of LGBT Heroes, selected by the magazine’s team of writers and special contributors.

“Queer as Folk was more than a piece of television to me and it remains so. I was a confused boy looking for some direction and meaning. It provided me with the knowledge that there was something else out there for someone who wanted to break the family mould.”

Introducing: The Outs with creator Adam Goldman

The Outs Web TV.

Scott De Buitléir talks to the creator/director of web series The Outs.

“The Outs is a Brooklyn-based ‘web show’ that focuses on two characters, Mitch and Jack, as they try to get over their recent break-up.”

Ten Years of Queers

On the world of gay television after Queer as Folk

QaF changed how television dealt with homosexuality, and it also led to the Dr Who revival.

Queer as Folk first aired on 23 February 1999. There were reactions from the tabloids, from Conservative MPs and most surprisingly from Becks Beer, who withdrew their sponsorship.

Timeline of 2009 LGBT Anniversaries 4

Timeline of 2009 LGBT Anniversaries, Part 4 of 4

From 1989 – 2004.

In the forty years since the Stonewall riots, and the emergence of the gay liberation movement, a process of historical archaeology has been underway. Its aim has been to make the hidden past visible. This timeline of anniversaries is a look into what we now know of this hidden past, and also the revealed present.

1994, Age of consent for gay men reduced in the UK from 21 to 18.

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