WTF?! Who types ‘bestiality cabaret’ into Google?
Each Friday Polari shares its favourite WTF?! search terms from the last 7 days.
How do Googlers get to Polari using some of these search terms?
Here are our 7 favourite, and not so favourite, WTF?! search terms from this week…
gay elf sex
Nerd fantasies are clearly getting out of hand. I blame the recent far-too-drawn-out Tolkien revival. This odd search returned 6,070,000 results. I don’t trust that round number … it sounds like a Google Wizard conjured it up.
чародейки (Translation from the Russian – Sorceress)
Fantasy is clearly taking its time to catch up with the modern world, and is yet to drop the feminising ‘ess’. Then, fantasy is the return of the repressed, which explains why a trip to Forbidden Planet is to take a step back in time.
vitamin b12 fantasy
Is this fantasy thing going too far? I can see it now: he’s sat there in his bedroom, the Holland & Barrett catalogue in one hand, a picture of Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin in the other. No? Too obscure?
bestiality cabaret
Is that the version where Liza gets on all fours and sings Mein Furr? No? Too much of a Dad Joke?
girls be on the drag queen shit
It sounds like a line from Airplane! but maybe it’s a drug euphemism. These crazy kids.
one off gay sex
It doesn’t mean you’re gay, man, if you get it one off. You can go back to balling chicks and bypass ex-gay therapy.
polari magazine singles
Honey, are you after 7″ or 12″? We stock both.